European Foundation for Education

The European Foundation for Education (EFE) is a non-profit organisation which cooperates with partners from education, business and policy, creating strong links between education and employment.
EFE aims at:
opening up better professional chances for young people,
increasing the work-based component of educational offers,
improving the competitiveness of companies and,
strengthening the regional economic development.
The organisation stands for a systematic connection of educational offers with labour market needs. Key prerequisite for a successful employability of young people are the right skills. Thus EFE contributes to the design of work-based learning schemes in the secondary and the tertiary sector aiming to train young people in accordance with labour market needs and support them in their personal development.
EFE is the lead partner of the Interreg project EDU-LAB: New Danubian Governance in Labour market Relevance of Higher Education funded by the European Union aiming to improve the professional chances of young people in the Danube region. EDU-LAB brings together partners from the higher education sector, business organizations, national public authorities and policy makers. This joint learning process will include further actors from civil society. More than 20 partners from 10 countries are cooperating for 2,5 years to link education to employment in a sustainable way. A new governance model will be developed with the goal to create a binding commitment by the “Danubian Charter for young talents”.
Furthermore, EFE is a partner in the Erasmus+ project "EuroDuaLE - European cooperative framework for Dual LEarning" (2015-1-IT02-KA203-015386) in Key Action "Cooperation for Innovation and the exchange of good practices". In the Strategic Partnership for higher education, EFE is one of 13 partners. The consortium is led by the Unversity of Modena. EuroDuaLE aims to open the road for transnational cooperation for the provision of dual learning programmes in Europe. EFE leads two Work Packages: "Analysis of existing dual learning programmes as drivers for employability" and "Methodological and practical handbook for European dual learning mobility".

Contact person:
Dr. des. Ágnes Sebestyén
Project Director
E-mail: agnes.sebestyen@e-f-e.eu
Phone: +491736822154