Promimpresa srl is a private training organisation whose headquarter is located in San Cataldo, near Caltanissetta, in Sicily, with branch offices in Palermo, Gela, Bologna and Mantova. The peculiarity of Promimpresa is a strong and extensive social and professional network that allows the realization of courses in each part of Italy. With more than 30 employees on a permanent basis and hundreds of external collaborators, Promimpresa provides clients with the best competence and expertise according to their needs.
Promimpresa provides vocational education and training services to various target groups:
Training programmes for unemployed people (i.e. vocational education)
Recruitment (Employment Agency for the activities of Research and Recruitment, accredited by the Italian Ministry of Labour)
On-line courses (Promimpresa is an e-learning center point of the Telematic University “Pegaso”)
It also promotes services for enterprises, SMEs, public entities, manufacturing and service companies operating in various fields; the services provided include:
qualified assistance and monitoring of all activities;
continuous education for enterprises, with a special focus on foreign language courses;
training for employees of private companies or local authorities;
assistance in EU projects presentation and management.
The teaching methodology applied by Promimpresa is based on three main elements:
interaction between trainers and trainees - learning systems based on words, images, direct experience, comparison and evaluation;
learning by doing;
constant involvement of students through individual and group exercises (analysis of case studies, conducting exercises and simulations to acquire the skills needed to manage in a conscious and effective real work situations).
The company is also accredited to conduct research activities in the National Research Institutions register (60708EVE) recognized by the Ministry of Education, University and Research. Promimpresa participates in PMI Sicilia (Association of SMEs) and has been partner of Manpower Group for the training of the staff working at Milan EXPO 2015 and technical consultancy to the exhibitors. The company trains approximately 70 SMEs per year and can reach a broad number of companies at local and national level.
A specific department of Promimpresa srl plans and implements EU co-financed projects. Promimpresa has participated to several EU-funded projects on VET and education in the last years and its staff is experienced in managing European projects also in terms of evaluation of results and impacts.

Contact person:
Dr. Jasmine Gatti
IT engineer, trainer and VET expert, member of EU project department, responsible for PRO-YOUTH
E-mail: jasmine.gatti@promimpresa.it
Phone: 0039 0376 262215