IO4 Policy Recommendations and mainstreaming strategy for the transferability of the PRO-YOUTH model
PRO-YOUTH aims at strengthening the development of regions with high youth unemployment rate by promoting the use of work-based learning schemes in fields with a great potential for growth: hospitality and heritage tourism. PRO-YOUTH Policy Recommendations are conceived in the framework of a strong mainstreaming strategy; the latter is an integral part of the intervention logic of the project to: (1) contribute to sustainability of PRO-YOUTH WBL model, learning modules and guidelines produced; (2) assure that the developed model is transferable to different economic environments; (3) raise awareness for the fact that work-based learning schemes can be efficient, cost-saving and effective to address high unemployment rates. The mainstreaming strategy of PRO YOUTH is built on 3 key elements: (1) Continuous dissemination of activities: Dissemination is key for a successful implementation of PRO YOUTH. Thus, the dissemination of the results will occur along the entire lifecycle of the project, not only to primary and secondary stakeholders, but also to the general public. The project intends to spread as much as possible the intervention logic of the project. (2) Organization of capitalization activities and mainstreaming events: -At the beginning of the project all project partners will identify existing models, responses to the addressed challenges, training resources etc. and will organize national/regional capitalization meetings. Thus key multipliers/external stakeholders and actors get involved in the project from the early beginning. - National/regional mainstreaming events will be organized in each country before project closure to ensure the visibility of the PRO-YOUTH model and contribute to the transferability and sustainability of the results (3) To ensures the political sustainability of delivered outputs and results the mainstreaming strategy includes the development of policy recommendations aiming at making transition from education to work in the tourism industry smoother and furthermore fostering a strong link between tourism and culture.