Which skills are the most needed for a candidate to successfully enter the cultural and heritage tourism job market? How do professionals working in the sector see its development potential? These are the questions we aim to find answers to in PRO-YOUTH, in order to help unemployed young people find new opportunities in cultural and heritage tourism.
In the past few months, PRO-YOUTH project partners in Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy and Romania have interviewed experts in cultural and heritage tourism to gain insights of the pecularities of each country. They also talked with unemployed young people to better understand their challenges in entering the job market. Besides, each partner prepared a status quo analysis on cultural and heritage tourism in their country.
These interviews and status quo analyses served as the basis for forming recommendations on work-based learning modules, to help NEETs acquire the right skills and help with their transition to the labour market.
If you are interested in learning more about these topics, you can read our report under Intellectual Output 1 here.