The PRO-YOUTH Skills in Heritage Multiplier Event took place on 30 January 2020 in Stuttgart, organized by the European Foundation for Education and hosted in StadtPalais – Museum für Stuttgart. As the first project event which was open to the public, it aimed to raise awareness on the transnational responses to youth unemployment and to discuss ways to engage young people in cultural and heritage tourism.
The event started with a presentation entitled “Who Designs the City? Anecdotes of Digital-Analogue Interventions in Public Space” by Sascha Bauer and Dominik Schultheiß from Stuttgart-based Stadtlücken, a non-profit organization focusing on improving the city experience and raising awareness of the inclusive use of public space.

This was followed by a world café, where different topics related to cultural and heritage tourism and the involvement of young people were discussed, such as sustainable tourism, interventions in public space, youth entrepreneurship and application for funds for project management.

Afterwards, a roundtable discussion entitled “Involving Youth in Cultural Projects” was held. The participants of the roundtable discussion were
- Carlotta Bianchi (Mantova Holiday, Italy)
- Luka Jakopčić (Cultural and Tourism Consultant, Recider, Croatia)
- (Andreea Emina Panaitescu, Head of Career Guidance, Professional Development and Training Department, Association for Education and Sustainable Development, Romania)
- Sabrina Riccomi (Project Manager, Promimpresa, Italy)
- Vassil Simeonov (Expert in Business Training Development, Bulgaria)
- Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schuster, (President, European Foundation for Education, Germany).

The discussion was moderated Dr. Caroline Hornstein Tomić (Foundation Knowledge at Work). Dr. Torben Giese, Director of StadtPalais greeted the audience.
The event concluded with a networking dinner in StadtPalais.